Sunday, 18 December 2011

All change

Unfortunately we found out the other week that the CUC building, which is where we have our studio, is closing just after Christmas so we have to move. We had all thought about moving anyway and had been talking to a new organisation that has just taken over some buildings across the road about renting a space from them. We should be hearing from them in the next few days so fingers crossed.
It means I can't make any new work until we move into a new space which is a bugger but can't be helped. I've been making some new iron clocks just to see if they'll work, here's one that has only been biscuit fired.

Hope placement update

Spent another day at Hope ceramics department and made some test pieces, this time I coloured the clay with black stain and made some extruded shapes. Still not sure what I'm doing with them but I'll have to decide soon!

Sunday, 4 December 2011


Just looking at the Artists Acees into Colleges blog and realised that there is a vote for the best artist on the if you fancy a vote then pop along to the site and vote! For me, obviously.

Thursday, 1 December 2011


These are a couple of images of test pieces I've been making at Hope University as part of the new Artists Access into Colleges scheme.
I had a good day today, just playing with my mini extruder, all above board, it's a genuine piece of ceramic equipment! Anyway here they are: